Culture was identified and proposed as an area of cooperation among the BIMSTEC Member States at the First BIMSTEC Summit held in July 2004. Recognizing the pluralistic nature of societies, shared cultural heritages and the rich diversity of languages, arts, crafts and traditions provide ample opportunity for multi-dimensional cooperation within Bay of Bengal region, the Eighth BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting heldon 18-19 December 2005 in Dhaka decided to add ‘Culture’ as one of the sectors of BIMSTEC Cooperation.
The First BIMSTEC Culture Ministers’ Meeting held on 23-25 May 2006 in Paro, Bhutan adopted the Paro Initiative that called for the establishment of the BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Commission (BCIC) and the BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Observatory (BCIO) to be located in Bhutan.
The leaders in the Second BIMSTEC Summit, held on 13 November 2008in New Delhi, India, agreed to expand cooperation in culture to include cultural values, diversity, and heritage and decided to support the establishment of the BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Commission (BCIC) and BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Observatory in Bhutan (BCIO). Accordingly, the Member States signed the MoU on the Establishment of the BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Commission and the BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Observatory during the Third BIMSTEC Summit held in March 2014.
The leaders, during the Fourth BIMSTEC Summit held in August 2018, emphasized the need to enhance cultural exchange among the Member States to further strengthen the historic cultural ties among peoples; promote mutual respect and tolerance for cultural diversity; underscore the importance of Buddhism as a connecting thread in the region; and remain committed to giving a clear manifestation to this by establishing a Buddhist Circuit. They also agreed to hold meetings of BIMSTEC Cultural Ministers and BIMSTEC Cultural Festival at regular intervals.
As decided during the Seventeenth BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting held virtually on 01 April 2021 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, an Expert Group on Cultural Cooperation has been established with an objective to examine the scope to deliberate upon all issues to promote cultural values, heritages, diversity, and exchange in the region, including developing Plan of Cooperation and Action in Culture.
The First Meeting of BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Commission (BCIC) held virtually on 20 September 2021 in Thimphu, Bhutan, discussed, negotiated and finalized the draft text of the Procedures and Rules of BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Commission (BCIO). As also agreed in the Meeting, Bhutan has circulated a draft Organogram of the BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Observatory (BCIO) including the Terms of References (ToR) for appointing Director of the Observatory, Professional and General Service Staffs as well as other administrative and financial matters seeking comments from the Member States.
Following the reconstitution of Sectors and Sub-sectors of BIMSTEC cooperation in 2022, Culture has been a Sub-sector under the People-to-People Contact Sector. The Nineteenth BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting held in a virtual mode on 09 March 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand underscored the importance of cultural cooperation and exchanges among the Member States and their potentials to contribute in the promotion of cultural industries in the region. The Meeting also urged the Member States for early finalization of the Plan of Action. Earlier, Nepal has circulated a draft ‘Plan of Action on Culture’ in February 2023.
Institutional Mechanism
i. BIMSTEC Culture Ministers’ Meeting
The BIMSTEC Culture Ministers’ Meeting is a policy Making body for Culture Sub-Sector which comprises the Ministers dealing with sectors of cultural values, heritage, diversity, tolerance, mutual respect of the Member States. Usually the Cultural Ministers' Meeting, preceded by Senior Officials Meeting on Culture and Expert Group Meeting on Cultural Cooperation, provides a platform for member states to collaborate on cultural issues and promote cultural exchange and understanding in the region. It has met only once in Paro, Bhutan on 23-25 May 2006.
ii. BIMSTEC Senior Officials’ Meeting on Culture
The Senior Officials’ Meeting comprises of the Secretaries/ appropriate Senior officials of BIMSTEC Member States dealing with cultural values, heritage, diversity, tolerance, mutual respect of the Member States.
iii. BIMSTEC Expert Group Meeting on Cultural Cooperation
Expert Group Meeting on Cultural Cooperation comprises of Senior Officials dealing with communication processes, coordination, monitoring and reviewing progresses upon all issues to promote cultural values, heritages, diversity, and exchange in the region, including developing Plan of Action on Culture.
iv. BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Commission
The BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Commission (BCIC) is the Commission of the BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Observatory (BCIO) comprising of one high-level representative nominated by each Member State. The Commission acts as Programme Planning body; oversee the programme of activities of the BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Observatory; and responsible to monitor and coordinate activities of the Observatory. It has met only once virtually in Paro, Bhutan on 20 September 2021.
v. BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Observatory
The First BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting on Culture was held in Paro, Bhutan on 23-25 May 2006. The Meeting adopted the Paro Initiative that proposed the establishment of BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Commission (BCIC) and the BIMTEC Cultural Industries Observatory (BCIO) in Bhutan. Accordingly, the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the establishment of BCIC and BCIO was signed during the Third BIMSTEC Summit, held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar on 4 March 2014.
As per the MoU, a high level BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Commission was established as an oversight mechanism for the Observatory. The Commission held its first meeting virtually on 20 September 2021. The Meeting negotiated and finalized the draft text of the Procedures and Rules of BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Commission and recommended for its submission through BIMSTEC Permanent Working Committee (BPWC) to the BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting on Culture for approval.
The First Meeting of the Commission also recommended Bhutan to prepare a draft Organogram of BCIC including the Terms of References (ToR) for appointing Director, Professional and General Service Staffs as well as their emoluments and other administrative and financial matters. The draft Organogram and Terms of References received from Bhutan were circulated to the Member states on 07 August 2023.
As proposed by Bhutan, The BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Observatory will be housed within the Department of Culture and Dzongkha Development Building. The location has been selected as the initial headquarters for the observatory.
Function of the Observatory
• Carry out directives received from the Commission, including those contained in the Paro Initiative.
• Establish a BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Database and update it on a continuous basis.
• Undertake research, statistical analysis of data and clearing house functions.
• Develop indicators for impact of the activities on poverty reduction and community vitalization.
• Create and maintain a web-portal on the Cultural Industries profile of the BIMSTEC Region.
• Support Member States in need assessment, as requested, and development of cultural industry plans and strategy.
• Prepare a consolidated calendar of major cultural industries expositions in BIMSTEC region.
• Network with relevant institutions/stakeholders working in the area of Cultural Industries.
• Undertake such activities, as may be assigned to it, by the Commission from time to time.
• Receive project based funding, as approved by the Commission.
Key Documents
1. MoU on the Establishment of the BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Commission and the BIMSTEC Cultural Industries Observatory in the Third BIMSTEC Summit held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar in 2014