Mr. Si Thu Aung joined the BIMSTEC Secretariat on 12th December 2024 as the third Director from Myanmar. He is a career Foreign Service Officer of the Myanmar Foreign Service. Prior to joining the Secretariat, he was serving in the Consular and Legal Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar. In his early career, he served as Head of Branch and Counsellor at the Boundary Division of the same department.
He was posted to the Myanmar Embassy in Paris, France, as the First Secretary in 2015. While serving his duties in Paris, he also worked as one of the representatives of Myanmar Permanent Delegation to UNESCO. His second diplomatic posting was at the Myanmar Embassy in Rome, Italy as the Counsellor in 2020.
During his diplomatic career, he attended various bilateral meetings and international conferences including 38th and 39th Session of the General Conference of the UNESCO; 40th and 41st Session of the World Heritage Committee; and participated in the 29th UN Convention on the Law of the Sea State Parties Meeting; 2nd Session of the Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction, among others.
Mr. Si Thu Aung earned his Masters in International Maritime Law at the IMO International Maritime Law Institute in Malta and Bachelor of Laws from the Yangon University of Distance Education. He has attended several short training courses on international maritime law, both at home and abroad.
He is married and blessed with a son.