02 Oct 2023 - 03 Oct 2023
A workshop on the ‘Implementation of the BIMSTEC Master Plan for Transport Connectivity’, organized by the BIMSTEC Secretariat in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 02-03 October 2023. Officials representing the governments of the BIMSTEC Member States, ADB officials, and representatives of Development Partners and International Financial Institutions joined the workshop.
The workshop created greater awareness and understanding among the participants regarding the BIMSTEC Master Plan's framework, as well as projects and activities. The Workshop also reviewed the current implementation status of the BIMSTEC Master Plan policies and projects. Furthermore, it explored financing options for regional transport connectivity projects and deliberated on steps to facilitate seamless connectivity. A series of recommendations based on the deliberations will be presented to the next Meeting of the BIMSTEC Transport Connectivity Working Group (BTCWG) for its consideration.