The Fourth Meeting of the BIMSTEC Network of Policy Think Tanks

27 Dec 2018

Thimphu, Bhutan
The Fourth Meeting of the BIMSTEC Network of Policy Think Tanks

The Fourth Meeting of the BIMSTEC Network of Policy Think Tanks (BNPTT) was held on 27-28 Decemebr 2018 in Thimphu, Bhutan at the invitation of the Royal Government of Bhutan. BNPTT Members from all the BIMSTEC Member States participated in the Meeting. The Secretariat was well represented by Mr. Kunzang N. Tshering and Mr. Han Thein Kyaw, Directors at the BIMSTEC Secretariat.


The BNPTT was established in 2010 as a Track-II forum, comprising of the following Constituent Members to promote the People-to-People Contact among BIMSTEC Member States:


  1. Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Bangladesh
  2. Royal Institute for Governance & Strategic Studies (RIGSS), Bhutan
  3. Research & Information Systems for Developing Countries (RIS), India
  4. Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies (MISIS), Myanmar
  5. Centre for Economic and Development Administration (CEDA), Nepal
  6. Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Sri Lanka
  7. Indian Studies Centre (ISC), Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
