The Twenty-First Meeting of the BIMSTEC Trade Negotiating Committee (TNC) was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 18-19 November 2018. His Excellency Mr. Tofail Ahmed M.P., Hon’ble Commerce Minister, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh inaugurated the Meeting as the Chief Guest. Delegates from all the BIMSTEC Member States, i.e., Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand attended the Meeting.
The 21st Meeting of the BIMSTEC TNC made significant progress in finalizing the draft texts of three (3) important agreements relating to BIMSTEC FTA, namely Agreement on Trade in Goods, Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters, and Agreement on Dispute Settlement Procedures and Mechanisms. The Meeting also made progress on developing texts of three other agreements relating to Investment, Services and Trade Facilitation.
The Secretary General expressed hope that the BIMSTEC FTA will come into operation with the signing of the Agreement on Trade in Goods by 2019. He also expressed deep gratitude to the Government of Bangladesh for hosting the 21st Meeting of the TNC.
Media Coverage :
FTA implementation necessary for BIMSTEC: Tofail
BIMSTEC not to be visible unless FTA in place: Tofail
Tofail for more effective BIMSTEC in trade negotiation