The first Meeting of the Governing Board of the BIMSTEC Energy Centre was held in Bengaluru, India, on 27 February 2023 with the participation of Governing Board Members representing all BIMSTEC Member States.
In keeping with the provisions of the Memorandum of Association on the establishment of the Energy Centre, upon the recommendation of the Governing Board, Mr. Ghanshyam Prasad was appointed as the first Executive Director of the Centre, for an initial period of three years.
The Energy Centre is to be housed in the premises of the Central Power Research Institute in Bengaluru, India, and it will also function as the Secretariat of the BIMSTEC Grid Interconnection Coordination Committee.
Among other matters that were considered during the Meeting, the Governing Board discussed the formulation of the Rules of Procedure for the Centre, and finalised the text of the Host Country Agreement to be submitted for consideration by the higher authorities of BIMSTEC.