Ministerial Meeting

The BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting comprises the Ministers dealing with foreign relations of the Member States.

The BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting has the following powers and functions:

  • Coordinate overall BIMSTEC cooperation
  • Prepare the BIMSTEC Summit
  • Coordinate the implementation of agreements and decisions of the BIMSTEC Summit
  • Coordinate with the Sectoral Ministerial Bodies to enhance policy coherence, efficiency and cooperation with them
  • Approve the budget of the Secretariat and BIMSTEC Centres/ Entities as proposed by the Senior Officials’ Meeting
  • Endorse the deliberations of the BIMSTEC Sectoral Ministerial Meetings
  • Appoint the Secretary General of BIMSTEC, with the rank and status of an Ambassador upon the recommendation of the Senior Officials’ Meeting
  • Undertake such other functions as may be assigned by the BIMSTEC Summit

The BIMSTEC Ministerial Meetings shall

  • Meet annually, preceded by the BIMSTEC Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM), hosted by the Member State holding the BIMSTEC Chairmanship
  • Convene, whenever necessary, as special meeting to be chaired by the Member State holding the BIMSTEC Chairmanship, at a venue to be agreed upon by the Member States
  • The Chairman of BIMSTEC may, at his own initiative or at the request of a Member State, convene a Special Ministerial Meeting to address an important issue pertaining to the interest of BIMSTEC with the concurrence of all Member States.