Sub-Group on Legal and Law Enforcement Issues

India is the Lead Shepherd of the Sub-Group
The First Meeting of JWG-CCTC held in New Delhi, India in December 2004 decided to establish BIMSTEC Sub Group on Legal and Law Enforcement Issues (SG-LLEI). Since its inception, the Sub-Group has been extensively deliberating on the legal instruments of BIMSTEC relating to combating terrorism and transnational organized crime. The Sub-Group has so far negotiated and finalized the following BIMSTEC Conventions:

i. BIMSTEC Convention on Cooperation in Combating International Terrorism, Transnational Organized Crime and Illicit Drug Trafficking: This Convention was signed during the 12th BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar on 11 December 2009 and entered into force on 16 March 2021 upon ratification by all BIMSTEC Member States. To implement the Convention, Member States shared their respective Nodal Agencies along with contact details of the focal points in the Agencies with a view to providing the other Member States the widest possible measure of mutual assistance in the prevention, investigation, prosecution and suppression of international terrorism, transnational organized crime and illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances including their precursor chemicals.

ii. BIMSTEC Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters: It was signed on 30 March 2022 during the Fifth BIMSTEC Summit held in Colombo, Sri Lanka. In terms of scope of the Convention, Member States shall, subject to their national laws, and in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, provide to each other the widest measures of mutual assistance in criminal matters. 

iii. BIMSTEC Convention Against Trafficking in Persons: Recently, the 9th Meeting of the BIMSTEC Sub-Group on Legal and Law Enforcement Issues held in New Delhi, India on 21-22 June 2023 finalized the text of the BIMSTEC Convention Against Trafficking in Persons and recommended it to the Eleventh Meeting of the BIMSTEC Joint Working Group on Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime for consideration. The purpose of this Convention is to promote cooperation amongst BIMSTEC Member States for effectively dealing with various aspects of prevention and suppression of trafficking in persons and protection and repatriation of the victims of trafficking.

iv. BIMSTEC Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons: The draft Convention has already been circulated among the Member States for their comments/concurrence. As decided during the 9th Meeting of the Sub-Group on Legal and Law Enforcement Issues, this Convention will be discussed in the 10th Meeting of the Sub-Group.

v. BIMSTEC Convention on Extradition: The draft Convention has already been circulated among the Member States for their comments/concurrence. As decided during the 9th Meeting of the Sub-Group on Legal and Law Enforcement Issues, the negotiation of the BIMSTEC Convention on Extradition would be initiated after the finalization of the BIMSTEC Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons. 

# List of Meetings of SG-LLEI held so far

9th SG-LLEINew Delhi, India21-22 June 2023
8th SG-LLEIKathmandu, Nepal29-30 October 2018
7th SG-LLEIYangon, Myanmar 22-23 March 2017
6th SG-LLEINew Delhi, India17-18 December 2015
5th SG-LLEINew Delhi, India 08-09 January 2013
4th SG-LLEINew Delhi, India24-25 March 2011
3rd  SG-LLEINew Delhi, India  19-20 April 200
2nd SG-LLEINew Delhi, India 04-06 September 2006
1st SG-LLEINew Delhi, India  05-07 December 2005