Sub-Group on Prevention of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Precursor Chemicals

Myanmar is the Lead Shepherd of the Sub-Group
The First Meeting of JWG-CTTC held on 09-10 December 2004 in New Delhi, India decided to create the Sub-Group on Prevention of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Precursor Chemicals (SG-NDPSPC)with a view to promoting cooperation through identifying and taking measures to break the linkages between drug trafficking and terrorism, and setting up effective mechanisms to prevent and suppress illicit trafficking in drugs, psychotropic substances as well as precursor chemicals.

This Sub-Group is mandated by its own ToR, which are, sharing and exchanging of information and intelligence in the field of illicit trafficking of drugs, precursor chemicals and psychotropic substances; ensuring effective measures against individuals, group and entities involved in or associated with trafficking of drugs and precursor chemicals and related crimes; setting up of effective mechanisms to prevent and suppress illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursor chemicals; and promoting capacity-building and technical support through mutual assistance as well as institutional linkages with 

Myanmar published the 1st edition of the BIMSTEC Annual Drug Report-2019. Thailand will publish (e-version) of the Second Edition of the BIMSTEC Annual Drug Report-2021. 
The BIMSTEC Plan of Action on Drug Control will be finalized in the upcoming Meeting of this Sub-Group.

# List of Meetings of SG-NDPSPC held so far:

7th SG-NDPSPCChiang Rai, Thailand07-09 December 2022
6th SG-NDPSPCColombo, Sri Lanka [virtual]28-29 October 2021
5th SG-NDPSPCKathmandu, Nepal 23 May 2018
4th SG-NDPSPCYangon, Myanmar12-13 September 2016
3rd SG-NDPSPCYangon, Myanmar13 February 2015
2nd SG-NDPSPCYangon, Myanmar11-12 August 2006
1st SG-NDPSPCYangon, Myanmar17-18 November 2005